The 17th International Pragmatics Conference – WINTERTHUR 2021
Organization: International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)
Topics: The conference is open to all topics relevant to the field of linguistic pragmatics, broadly conceived as the interdisciplinary (cognitive, social, cultural) science of language use. The special theme of this year’s conference is The Pragmatics of Inclusion: Current societies, both in Europe and elsewhere, are experiencing rifts in terms of societal and linguistic diversity and struggle with inclusion, as exemplified by the controversial discourses (and actions) on gender equality – e.g. the #metoo – #wetoo campaigns – and migration. As language experts and scholars in pragmatics, we are involved in the processes, policies and practices of diversity and inclusion. How are we contributing to inclusion?
Submission deadlines: 1st June, 2020 (panel proposals); 15th October, 2020 (posters and lectures)