Il workshop di chiusura del Progetto ERC “BabyRhythm” si terrà il 9-10 maggio 2024 a Padova. Il progetto indaga le origini dello sviluppo delle oscillazioni neurali nel processo del linguaggio e della lingua, e come queste contribuiscono all’acquisizione del linguaggio. La deadline per l’invio degli abstrac è fissata al 15 febbraio.

Call for Posters
The ERC Project “BabyRhythm” holds its closing workshop on May 9-10, 2024, in Padua, Italy. The project investigates the developmental origins of neural oscillations in speech and language processing, and how they contribute to language acquisition.
The workshop features keynote talks, invited talks by current and former members of the “BabyRhythm” project and contributed posters.
Keynote speakers
Irene de la Cruz-Pavía (Deusto University, Bilbao, Spain)
Anne-Lise Giraud (Institut de l’Audition, Paris, France)
Sonja Kotz (Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands)
Marcela Peña (Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile)
David Poeppel (NYU, NY, USA & Max Planck Institute, Frankfurt, Germany)
Janet F. Werker (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada)
More information about the workshop is available at
Poster Submission
We now invite submissions for posters on topics related to the project, i.e. the role of rhythm, oscillations and acoustic modulation in early speech perception and language acquisition. We can host a maximum of 30 posters. Abstracts should be submitted via the following form:
They should contain max. 5000 characters, no tables or figures are allowed.
Important dates:
Feb 15, 2024 – abstract submission deadline
March 1, 2024 – notification of acceptance